This isn't the original release date but alot of people heard that it will be launched on October 2012, and will be announced on September 2012 also. What i think is that Apple iPhone 5 is going to be a big hit on the market mainly because of the new iPhone 5 features like the 4.0 inch retina screen display and the new version of iOS which is the iOS 6 or codenamed Lentil rumored too. The speed is a Quad-core 1.2 GHz Apple A6 processor. If you can't wait to try the ORIGINAL iPhone 5, then you could always try a FAKE iPhone 5 from China! Yup, China has also made a iPhone 5 even though it is not even released yet. Obviously, I wouldn't reccomend you buying that because buying China electronics may make you regretful and you maybe unhealthy because China products are made in an very bad eviornment and the products have ALOT of radiation too... So lets get back to the REAL iPhone 5. Now, I'm not an iPhone fan, BOOOOOO... you might say, mainly i dont like it is because Apple makes the same same thing over and over again. For instance the GUI, it always have that same lockscreen, the same apps menu UI and all that but for now, i cant wait to look at the iPhone 5 launching to see compare what NORMAL iPhones doesnt have. If anyone of you wants to see the difference between iOS and Android, logon to Facebook and like our page here: http://en-gb.facebook.com/pages/T3chCloud/168410499958183

Yes, it is possible to do that. Go here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1178546 I have it on my htc phone and its working pretty fast for a htc phone like the Topaz. Wi Fi, camera, g-sensor and call works on my device  and there is little lag and not much bug on it. Oh ya its the most stable android bundle too. Installing is VERY VERY VERY easy. Let me show you:


1. Download the full bundle (zip). (Updated September 1 2011)

If instead you just want the system.ext2 (zip) (Updated July 15 2011) file by itself... Don't download this if you're not sure! Grab the full bundle!

2. Extract the bundle. You’ll see a folder named FRX07.1, copy its contents to the root of your SD card. If you want to run Android from a folder instead of all the files on the root of the card, follow the steps below.

3. Go into the STARTUPS folder. Grab the appropriate startup.txt for your device (if you don't know what device you have, you should read the FAQ), and move it to the root of the card (or where you run haret.exe from. If you want to change the location of the build, put a rel_path= statement in the cmdline section of the startup.txt. Mine is located two folders deep on the SD, so my rel_path=Androids/TP2Ref)

4. Screen calibration - you have three choices:
  • Re-use an old ts-calibration file if you have it and you know it's good.
  • Download the ts-calibration.zip file and extract it to where you put the rest of the files (root of SD or in a folder where you keep your android stuff) - make sure it all stays together!)
  • Manually calibrate - boot with no ts-calibration file and watch the boot process - you'll be asked to hit 5 points to calibrate the screen. If you have issues calibrating, try an older kernel (1225 works well) Once you have the calibration file hold on to it (make 15 copies if it's a good one ), reboot & go back to the newest kernel!

6. Run haret.exe.. Profit!

7. It will boot for around 5-10 mins, the boot animation will be XDANDROID with muffin a kind of animation that appears to be writing.

8.Try test each of the functions on your device, see if it works.

9. If yes, congrats you got a full working android running on your device

*NOTE: If lets say one of the functions dont work, just forget it because you cant fix it. Another option is to try  to go to XDA developers and find a solution
*ANOTHER NOTE: The android market isn't updated for some reasons so you will get limited things to download. Try go to your android browser and find your app of your choice to be downloaded over the net.

Obviously you might think the best browser is Google Chrome...Well....Its true Google Chrome is the best browser (for me and maybe for Google fans). Reasons? Google Chrome has a simple design interface so that it is fast. Unlike Mozilla FireFox and Safari, Google Chrome has really simple plugins which "won't" lag or frreeze your precious computer. Speaking of that, Google Chrome does CRASH WEBPAGES alot and cause your computer to relaunch the webpage, well that's the cons for the browser. Interestingly, the fastest browser to be run is IE 9 (Internet Explorer 9)
If my computer (netbook) has only 1.67GHz processor & 1GB RAM and can run IE 9 for about 5-10 secs, what about 3.30GHz computers with 4GB RAM (the fastest computer i tried today). IE 9 launches literally INSTANTLY when I click on the icon. What about the legendaary browser, Opera, why i said that? Opera launch its browser on late 1994 and has many sucess on its browser, releasing it to the webOS, Windows Mobile and lots more . Well... I would say this browser will be in the second place of the Google Chrome because it is just like Google Chrome except that the webpage loads quite slowly still other than that nothing is wrong with it. Safari, the worst browser on Windows netbooks, I installed this and some additional programs from Apple (like QuickTime & Bonjour) and I was so excited to try it out at first. I was eager to use it when it took exactly 15 mins to run it on my computer, for Macs, probably very fast cause my netbook computer is suckish. But one thing I like Safari because of the plugins and features it has, one of the best features I like the most is the touch gestures like multitouch and all that kinds of stuff. Everythong in Safari same goes for Mozilla FireFox. Its web browser developed for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux . It uses special layout engine called the Gecko engine to render pages. Been using but it crashes alot and eats alot of RAM. Not the best browser to use for me. So here are the rankings of all the browsers:

1st. Google Chrome
2nd. Opera
3rd. Mozilla FireFox
4th. Safari