Obviously you might think the best browser is Google Chrome...Well....Its true Google Chrome is the best browser (for me and maybe for Google fans). Reasons? Google Chrome has a simple design interface so that it is fast. Unlike Mozilla FireFox and Safari, Google Chrome has really simple plugins which "won't" lag or frreeze your precious computer. Speaking of that, Google Chrome does CRASH WEBPAGES alot and cause your computer to relaunch the webpage, well that's the cons for the browser. Interestingly, the fastest browser to be run is IE 9 (Internet Explorer 9)
If my computer (netbook) has only 1.67GHz processor & 1GB RAM and can run IE 9 for about 5-10 secs, what about 3.30GHz computers with 4GB RAM (the fastest computer i tried today). IE 9 launches literally INSTANTLY when I click on the icon. What about the legendaary browser, Opera, why i said that? Opera launch its browser on late 1994 and has many sucess on its browser, releasing it to the webOS, Windows Mobile and lots more . Well... I would say this browser will be in the second place of the Google Chrome because it is just like Google Chrome except that the webpage loads quite slowly still other than that nothing is wrong with it. Safari, the worst browser on Windows netbooks, I installed this and some additional programs from Apple (like QuickTime & Bonjour) and I was so excited to try it out at first. I was eager to use it when it took exactly 15 mins to run it on my computer, for Macs, probably very fast cause my netbook computer is suckish. But one thing I like Safari because of the plugins and features it has, one of the best features I like the most is the touch gestures like multitouch and all that kinds of stuff. Everythong in Safari same goes for Mozilla FireFox. Its web browser developed for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux . It uses special layout engine called the Gecko engine to render pages. Been using but it crashes alot and eats alot of RAM. Not the best browser to use for me. So here are the rankings of all the browsers:

1st. Google Chrome
2nd. Opera
3rd. Mozilla FireFox
4th. Safari

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